Goodwill Pharma’s new logistics centre has been delivered

Goodwill Pharma’s new logistics centre has been delivered

A new logistics facility has been delivered at Szeged, Hungary as the company’s portfolio is continually being expanded. The foundation stone of a new logistics centre was laid in 2018 and the contruction work has been completed within a year, in spring 2019. In the framework of the investment, a hall of 850 square meter warehouse area has been established, which is supplemented by an office building.

“In allignment with our purpose to expand our activities, we strongly believe that this new logistics centre will be key to our strategy as it will significantly increase Goodwill Pharma’s warehouse capacity, enabling the company to expand its business offering and network of partners. Besides meeting the highest required standards, the new facility will offer a convenient working environment for the employees as well” – highlighted the management of Goodwill Pharma.

We hope that with this investment we will be able to further increase the number of partnerships and expand within the country and the CEE region.